Become a Member

We need New Members!

The Abenaki Tower and Trail Association is a 501c(3) non-profit established to fund the upkeep of the historic Abenaki Tower and its grounds. The Association (and the Tower) count on private donations to support its work.

$25.00 is the current minimum annual contribution to become a member of the Association, but supplemental contributions are always welcome.  Your donation is fully deductible in Federal Taxes and we would be glad to provide written confirmation of your donation upon request.

If you choose to donate via paypal or credit card, the donation amount will include online fees.  

If you would prefer to donate via check, please download this form and send it with a check payable to “Abenaki Tower and Trail Association” to:

Abenaki Tower and Trail Association
PO Box 222
Melvin Village, NH 03850